We are not the first ones, nor the only ones investigating decoloniality. There is a whole network of other collectives working to achieve similar goals. We're building a growing directory of resources and initiatives that frame the decolonial discourse.
→To suggest further resources, please use the suggestions box here.
Workshop on Decolonising Architectural Education
In Spring 2023, UNFOLD hosted a workshop with architectural education institutions from across the UK to discuss what decolonisation means within the context of architectural education. What resulted from the day-long event was a powerful and dynamic conversation ranging from the personal to the institutional and beyond.
The attendees were invited to contribute short written pieces, which have been assembled into a publication below. We hope you will enjoy reading the collection of essays which are the result of both individual and collective thinking. While they mostly pose more questions than answers, we hope they can inform and foster the continuation of a collective action towards a more just future for architecture.